El resurgimiento del amaranto


El resurgimiento del amaranto: un grano estratégico para promover la soberanía alimentaria de los pueblos, un cereal propio de América, puede ser clave en el futuro alimentario del planeta.

El pasado sábado 4 de octubre de 2014 celebramos el “Día del amaranto”, un evento impulsado por Puente a la Salud Comunitaria A. C. y que significo el festejo alrededor de una semilla que simboliza el resurgimiento de un grano estratégico, que tuvo gran importancia agrícola y cultural para las civilizaciones mesoamericanas y que ahora surge como opción para mejorar la situación alimentaria de los pueblos de México y del mundo.


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¿Qué le sucede a tu cuerpo en una hora cuando tomas una Coca-Cola?

What you’re about to read may (hopefully) cause you to put down that soda in your hand when you see just what happens to your body in just one hour after drinking a Cokeb.


The First 10 Minutes

Over 10 teaspoons of sugar enter your system, kept only in your stomach because of the added phosphoric acid which acts as an anti-nausient.  Without it, your body would most likely reject that much sugar (which is already 100% of your daily intake) and you’d be puking your guts out……

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How To Practice Mindful Eating


Imagine sitting down to a quiet candlelight dinner. The atmosphere is relaxing, the food smells delicious, and you are sitting comfortably across from someone who makes you smile. On your plate is a meal of nutritious food, fixed just the way you like it.

Under these ideal circumstances, your mood is positive, allowing for adequate absorption of nutrients and conscious awareness of what you are taking in. You are less likely to overeat, rush through your meal, and end up with digestive discomforts.


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