Earth hour 2011

Hoy 26 de marzo a las 8:30pm apaga la luz y participa en el evento a nivel mundial.
What is Earth Hour?
It is the biggest environmental awareness campaign ever seen!

When is it?
Earth Hour takes place once every year. On the last Saturday of March.

What’s the aim?
To raise environmental awareness and get us doing small things in our daily lives that together can have huge impacts.

What does it involve?
Simply turning off your lights for 1 hour. Earth’s hour.

How useful is this?
Earth Hour is a highly “visible” symbolic act.

One that millions of people can easily join in with.

And one that allows you to have fun while sending out a serious message to our politicians and governments, that says:
“I care about my planet!”

Leer más aquí

Earth Hour 2011 Official Video from WWF on Vimeo.