Crosswork- Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations (Mixed modality)
(RVOE) as set forth by Ministerial Agreement No. 15018, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on November 29, 1976.
Human Capital
Organizational Development
Professional Application Project
Social Responsibility and Labor Relations
Management and Business
University Curriculum


Administrative Control of Personnel

Develop competencies for the operational management of policies, procedures, and metrics to manage labor relations ranging from hiring processes, salary payment, staff control, internal official communication, and institutional representation before different labor and social security authorities, in fulfillment of applicable legal, regulatory and ethical frameworks.

Talent Attraction and Integration

Develop appropriate methods and processes to attract the personnel that the organization needs, with the talent required to meet its strategic needs, as well as to integrate the hired personnel with their work responsibilities and the members of the work team, in order to ensure their commitment to the company and their productivity.

Business Management

Business Mathematics

Oral and Written Communication

Personal University Project



Talent Development

Detect personnel’s talent development needs and, based on the organization’s requirements and on the people’s interests involved, capabilities and potential, draw up training plans and programs to develop their workplace competencies and maximize their contribution to the organization’s results.

Sociology of Labor

Analyze the contemporary dynamics of socially organized work from a critical standpoint, taking into account current trends affecting employment influenced by globalization, the dominant economic model, and technological development.

Legal Framework of Business

Business Statistics

Historical Social Context

Information and Numerical Data Management



Work Performance Management

Develop a performance management system for personnel that includes evaluation instruments and processes, as well as the determination of the evaluation’s implications in terms of recognizing individual and team contributions, setting new objectives and goals, identifying training needs, and career planning.

Organizational Behavior

Formulate proposals to improve the management of people and their relationships within the organization at three different levels: the individual, the group or team, and the organization as a comprehensive system. These proposals should contribute to the development and maintenance of a culture of productivity and the improvement of the quality of work life.

Social Responsibility and Labor Relations

Develop skills to diagnose and obtain indicators on the conditions of labor relations and conflicts between the organization, the union, and workers, as well as to propose the appropriate labor strategy for each work center, considering its social environment, the industrial sector in which it participates, and the existing labor culture in the organization, in order to positively influence the balance of working conditions at all levels and areas of the company, taking into account legal and social responsibility frameworks.


Knowledge and Culture

Ethics, Identity and Profession



Compensations and Benefits

Design and develop compensation systems that are suitable to the economic conditions and objectives of the organization, in a way that promotes a fair distribution of wealth and the recognition of people’s contributions to achieving the organization’s objectives, taking into account the legal basis of compensation, the results of work performance, internal equity in wages, and external competitiveness with respect to the wage market in the industrial sector in which the organization operates.

Collaborative Work Systems

Develop competencies for team building and development and formulate proposals for the design of team-based organizations that incorporate information and communication technologies (ICT), based on identifying the elements and attributes of a collaborative culture. Recognize the personal and professional characteristics that facilitate collaborative work, based on the neuro-management model and the competencies model.

Labor Rights and Social Security

Financial Information

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Contemporary Ethical Challenges I

Contemporary Ethical Challenges II



Human Capital Project

Development of Management Skills

Develop personal competences and social skills for directing individuals and work teams, for the purpose of facilitating the achievement of results aligned with the organization’s goals.

Safety, Health and the Environment

Develop systems and procedures aimed at ensuring safe, hygienic and environmentally friendly working conditions, in compliance with both the legal framework and applicable social responsibility, in order to prevent accidents, work-related illnesses and negative environmental impacts.

Comprehensive Marketing

Management Information Systems

Elective I

Elective II



Strategic Personnel Planning

Propose human resource strategies aligned with the business strategy, based on the analysis of different organizational situations that require large-scale change management, such as restructuring, mergers or company closures, new technology acquisition, among others. Design the change process for the development of the required strategy, identify the different models needed to implement it, as well as the methodologies to evaluate results.

Integrated Human Resource and Responsibility Systems

Diagnose, within organizational scenarios, the current state of compliance with standards and requirements of social responsibility and their impact on human resource management, on the basis of a clear understanding of the principles and fundamentals of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the characteristics of the most relevant management and certification systems.

Business Models

Costs for Decision-making

Elective III

Elective IV


Strategic Management

By the end of this course, you will be capable of applying a set of theories and practices that enable you to strengthen the integrative, analytical, and propositional thinking involved in identifying an organization’s opportunities to achieve a competitive advantage, stake out a strategic market position, and generate value for stakeholders with social and environmental responsibility.

Social Responsibility Project

Quality Management

Develop systems and procedures aimed at ensuring safe, hygienic and environmentally friendly working conditions, in compliance with both the legal framework and applicable social responsibility regulations, in order to prevent accidents, work-related illnesses and negative environmental impacts.

Financial Management Formation

Elective V

Elective VI


Organizational Consulting

By the end of this course, you will be capable of describing the fundamentals of intervention in the field of consulting and coaching, and you will apply them in a field assignment.

Professional Application Project I

Elective VII


Global Trends in Human Capital

Identify contemporary trends in human resource management throughout the world by looking at examples of best practices in the most successful organizations working in the global society, as well as by discussing the current role of human capital managers considering macro-trends at the global level.

Professional Application Project II

Elective VIII

Human Capital
Organizational Development
Professional Application Project
Social Responsibility and Labor Relations
Management and Business
University Curriculum