Social & Cultural Enrichment

_MG_6182-[1024]Social Commitment & Cultural Enrichment

Community service learning programs afford international and local students the opportunity to work side by side on various social, environmental and conservation projects.

Social Service Projects

Among the most significant sources of experience and learning for students are the social service projects, which consolidate ITESO’s commitment to social transformation by forming leaders that are sensitive to the region’s and country’s needs.

Some of the over 200 social projects in which the University participates are:

«Southern Region», sustainable development in southern Jalisco
«Sierra Wixárika», protection of the Huichol Indians’ territory and environment, improvement of productive systems, education and health
«Alternative Rural Financing System», which offers poor families from rural areas of Jalisco organizational, administrative and financial tools for raising their standard of living

Environmental Projects

ITESO proposes feasible alternatives for problems affecting our surroundings, from an environmental and sustainable development perspective. Environmental programs within the University -such as «ITESO, Sustainable Community»- and at its facilities in the Primavera Forest, complement rural sustainable development projects in impoverished regions of Jalisco, Chiapas and Veracruz. Since the year 2000, ITESO has taken part in a number of reforestation projects, as well as campaigns for preventing and combating forest fires, and received the Environmental Conservation Merit award in 2002. This recognition is given by the University of Guadalajara and the Citizens for the Environment