Campus Facilities


The University is located on 49 hectares (100 acres) of land, and includes 42 buildings. The campus is known for the balance and harmony of its buildings and landscaped areas. The layout of natural and architectural spaces creates a setting that stimulates students’ intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical development

  • Language center and multi-media laboratory for independent language learning
  • Library with over 250 thousand volumes and access to digital data bank
  • Athletic facilities: soccer fields; tennis, basketball and volleyball courts; gym; track and field facilities
  • Infirmary
  • Bank branch, travel agency, bookstore, stationer’s and copy center


  • Facilities for graduate studies, a modernistic graduate school building with 35 classrooms equipped with the latest technology; rooms for teleconferences and workshops; workspaces for doctoral students and visiting professors
  • The Information Technology Building is an avant-garde construction featuring state of-the-art facilities for design and execution in different professional fi elds. The building houses almost 800 computers,distributed in different classrooms and workspaces, affording students, professors and researchers the opportunity to apply cutting-edge technology to their educational projects.
  • State-of-the-art Computer Network
    Strategically-located centers on campus, plus a room for special-ability users; Internet access from any computer on campus; computer facilities for specialneed users; wireless coverage for connecting PDA’s and laptops; and a colorprinting center with laser printers, plotters and thermal wax printers.
  •  ITESO in the Primavera Forest 27 hectares (67 acres) in the Flora and Fauna Protection Area located in the nucleus and recovery zones of the Primavera Forest, set aside for environmental education and sustainable holistic management, as well as promoting an environmental culture aimed at preserving and protecting nature.



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